Nathanael Yellis's Blog: technology consulting, digital strategy, marketing, simplicity, and more.

The Judge is Always Right

Written by Nathanael Yellis | February, 4 2015

In our latest episode of Own Your Platform, Isaiah and I talked about the aphorism the judge is always right.

>> Listen to OYP here.

In competitive debate, the judge is the person who decides the winner of each debate round. Thus in the world of debate, considering the judge's verdict as correct is a necessity. (Assuming you were right and the judge wrong leads to a really warped perspective on reality, as the judge actually decides if you were right.)

In the first half of the episode, we discuss what that means for debaters. (Hint: humility and a willingness to learn.) And then we pivot to discussing how we can adopt that attitude in workplace communications. And Isaiah gives us his view of how to retain employees.

Listen to the 8th episode of Own Your Platform here.