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Two Books About God

Written by Nathanael Yellis | September, 13 2009

Humility: True Greatness by C. J. Mahaney

Charles Zimmerman, professor of practical theology at Biblical Seminary (PA), summed up much theological truth with the (quoted) phrase: "God is God. And I am not." I heard this from him a few times, several years ago during a few conferences he keynoted. The phrase, due to its simplicity, stuck with me.

God is God. I am not.

Much of the Christian life happens in realizing the depth and impact of those words. In this short book, Mahaney captures most of that key step: realizing the truth of God and self daily. He uses the term 'humility' to encapsulate most of life as a Christian. We continually realize the power and presence of God, and almost by necessity, realize our weakness and undeservedness outside of God.

For people like me, easily distracted by life, incorporating Mahaney's suggested practices into daily routines will be valuable.

Stop Dating the Church!: Fall in Love with the Family of God by Joshua Harris

After having been across four cities over the past year, this book refreshed my perspective on the need to plug in to the local church. The second and fifth chapters, "He Still Calls Her His Bride" and "Choosing Your Church," were especially helpful. I need to know the 'why' and the 'what to do with it.' Harris delivered these well.The tough part isn't reading these 90 pages, but putting the thoughts to work. Which church in my area do I belong in? How can I plug in there starting now? These are the questions I still have to wrestle with. If anything, reading this book made the apparent stakes higher.